Rich Reads to Help You Survive This Pandemic

When people ask me what’s saving my life right now, it’s feels a little cliche to reply with “books.” Of course, hand washing, social distancing, and self-quarantine are assumed. But in addition to the basics, I’ve found respite and wisdom and strength in books during this crisis.

The late British scholar and novelist C.S. Lewis once said, “We read to know we are not alone.” In the midst of a global pandemic, particularly one that leaves people isolated from loved ones, books can be a lifeline to sanity and solace, comfort and catharsis. 

As I have thought about it, there are three types of books that are saving my life in the midst of this current crisis. I wanted to share them with you—with a couple of recommended titles in each category—in hopes that they be a wellspring of wellness in your life, too.

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Jonathan Merritt