3 reasons conservative Christians will lose transgender debates


When LGBT rights first became a national issue following the Stonewall Riot of 1969, conservative Christians responded with a disastrous campaign against gay and lesbian causes. Christian leaders cited pseudo-science claiming homosexuality was a "choice," or worse, a mental disorder. Preachers regularly promoted the idea that AIDS was God's judgment on LGBT people. And money began to flow into "ex-gay" Christian ministries that promised to make LGBT people straight, but ended up making them suicidal instead. When it comes to conservative Christianity, it seems the more things change, the more things stay the same. A national debate on transgender rights has rapidly progressed in America, and predictably, conservative Christians have once again elbowed their way to the front lines. Christian leaders make speeches, pastors are preach sermons, and political activists make cable news network appearances--each armed with rhetoric intended to incite panic and stir up fear.