How to love each other (and ourselves) despite our differences


Nathan Clarkson’s mother, Sally, is a popular Christian author and leader with a growing following. But growing up, he felt like the opposite of the picture perfect Christian kid. He often acted out in school, rebelled against his parents, and was bullied for being different. He battled depression and anxiety, and was diagnosed with OCD, OCC, ADHD and other learning disabilities. Each condition tried the strength of their relationship and tested the limits of their love. Nathan is now in his twenties and he has coauthored a book with his mother about their journey titled, “Different: The Story of an Outside-the-Box Kid and the Mom Who Loved Him.” In it, they share how they overcame relational obstacles through seeking to understand each other and seeing his “differences” as superpowers.

I decided to chat with Nathan about what it means to love, accept, and embrace someone despite their sometimes frustrating differences. His words illustrate the holiness of difference are helpful for anyone who’s ever struggled to relate to friends and family that don’t fit the mold you’d wish for them.