Jonathan Merritt: Remixed - Successful Failures
Have Jesus followers been inoculated with the culturally-acceptable, civic religion that we’ve mislabeled “Christianity” in America? Many Christians see Jesus as little more than a divine cashier. Following Jesus in this understanding is basically a transaction where he offers us eternal life in exchange for following a list of rules. Following Jesus for them is transactional, not relational. The Gospels paint a different picture. One where Jesus calls disciples to join him in a new world called "The Kingdom of God." This world has different values, it requires different thinking, and it shatters our natural priorities. In God's Kingdom, old ways are overturned. Life patterns are inverted. Social patterns are transformed. Everything gets remixed. Our thinking, our living, our values.
This month, I'm exploring this topic through a series of messages at Cross Pointe Church. Check out the first one below, entitled "Successful Failures" (begins at 22:00):
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