Why do Protestants Love Pope Francis? A leading Roman Catholic thinker explains why Protestants love Pope Francis. Read More CultureJonathanDecember 5, 2013a Catholic television network that can be seen in more than 200 million homes..., a group that has often had a less-than-amenable relationship with Catholics h..., a respected Baptist theologian, abortion, both of which were New York Times bestsellers- Here we discuss the state of C..., Catholic, Catholicism, Christianity, church, Controversy, culture wars, evangelicalism, EWTN, gospel, has written an article claiming the Pope is “Our Francis, he said Christians must recover their enthusiasm for evangelism and remember ..., including "Of Thee I Zing: America's Cultural Decline from Muffin Tops to Bod..., it left us flat-out speechless- [tweetable]Francis is not your father’s Pope-..., it touched our hearts- When he embraced a disfigured man, Jesus, Jonathan Merritt, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis, Pope John Paul, Protestantism, Protestants, Rick Warren, the world smiled- When he spent Maundy Thursday washing the feet of incarcera..., theology, Timothy George, Too-” And a writer for "The Catholic Herald" opined that the Argentine Jesuit..., When it was reported that Pope Francis chose public transportation over limo ...